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Our Innovathon projects

The Montreal meeting has come and gone, but the Innovathon projects are still ongoing, as the learning continues and the project take shape.  The projects, once defined and planned, will be presented to the Futurist and Innovation Committee on April 21, 2023.  At the May 23, 2023 "reveal" virtual meeting, all Innovathon teams will present, and the committee will select one or two to move forward, with budget and expert assistance.

NA 01

North American Innovathon 1

The themes selected for this project include Technology and the Human Touch, and non-traditional collaborations.

Email your interest to and listing NA01 as your desired Innovathon team.


North American Innovathon 2

The themes selected for this project is non-traditional collaborations.

Email your interest to and listing NA02 as your desired Innovathon team.


European Innovathon 1

The themes selected for this project is non-traditional collaborations.

Email your interest to and listing EU01 as your desired Innovathon team.


European Innovathon 2

The themes selected for this project is non-traditional collaborations.

Email your interest to or and listing EU02 as your desired Innovathon team.

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